Author: davidcartwright

Murder Mystery

MENU Mediterranean Mezze- Sliced salami and chorizo, slow roasted peppers & sundried tomatoes, marinated mixed olives, beetroot falafel, homemade pickled onion accompanied with a bread selection (vegan & gluten free options available)—–Boeuf a la grille, topped with west country cheddar or  Roasted beetroot, edamame bean & quinoa bake (vegan) Both served with seasoned skin on […]


The committee have been working hard to decide on ways The Players can continue and attract new members and support. So, we have decided to run some workshops to encourage both our existing members and new people to come along and take part – and have some fun in the process! We have been fortunate […]


‘Never Mind The Butler’ was The Players production in October 2023. This was a comedy about life in a rather disjointed stately home. Lord Uppington of Uppington Park has gambled away the estate in a game of poker losing to One Eyed One Balled Big Bob the Cheat McBruiser! In previous years he had lost […]

Never Mind The Butler

The Players have now embarked on their latest production which will be presented at the Dolphin Hotel on October 19th, 20th and 21st. We are pleased to announce that we have a new director who is willing to take on this unruly bunch and continue the 50 year tradition of putting on entertainment for the […]

Theatre workshops coming soon…

Bovey Tracey Players, a community theatre group based in the small town of Bovey Tracey in Devon, England, will soon announce a series of theatre workshops for its members and interested parties. Led by experienced theatre professionals, these workshops are an exciting opportunity for anyone looking to improve their acting skills or simply learn more […]


Thanks to all those who attended our recent AGM. Lots of good discussion and ideas.  The committee have met since and have two exciting updates for you. New Membership Offer The Annual Membership which runs from 1st February to 31st January each year will remain at the current level of £15 per adult per year […]

Well about time too!

It’s been too long since we were able to put on any productions but now we’re back with a barnstorming evening of entertainment. Blackadder is back, along with live music from local singer/songwriter Paul Field and even a bite to eat if you fancy it!

A Letter from the Chairman

As a newly appointed Chairman of the Players, I thought it would be a good opportunity to write a little note to you all and talk about future plans for the group. What a year it has been ! Theatres and cinemas closed, and all of us learning how to cope with lockdown. Not being […]

Humble Boy Review

‘HUMBLE BOY’ The Players recently presented the play ‘Humble Boy’ by Charlotte Jones at the Dolphin Hotel, Bovey Tracey. Felix Humble (Will Meadows), a theoretical physicist, comes home to his family home in the Cotswolds to attend his father’s funeral. The story does not get off to good start as he fails to turn up […]

Awards All Round

At our AGM on Wednesday 28th March, the Players were pleased to award a cheque to our chosen charity of the year – The Devon Freewheelers. This was presented by our chair, Jenny Connelly and received by one of their local riders, Mr Robert Meadows. . And then the cast of ‘A Candle for Elvis’ […]

‘Waving Goodbye’ Tuesday 5th September

PRESS RELEASE Waving Goodbye A play by Andrew Shakeshaft Presented by Tree Shadow Theatre Productions Dolphin Hotel, Bovey Tracey 5th September 2017 7:30pm Waving Goodbye; Burkha or jeggings? Twisting fast-paced black comedy. **** Remote Goat “a production which has much to offer” “Deeply moving” Views from the Gods “Funny and Moving” Pick of the Fringe […]

2017 Lone Star

LONE STAR by James Maclure Is a gritty comedy – set in the back of “Angels Bar”, Texas, late 70s – with a cast of three very colourful characters! Here is how the author describes them…… Roy (James Harper) Roy is lean, tough with beginnings of a beer gut. Uneducated, belligerent, his army service has […]

2016 Allo Allo

It has been a sad week with the announcement of the of death of Gorden Kaye – the original Rene Artois. We still all sit about and have a giggle whenever we discuss last years Player’s production of Allo Allo. They must have had a ball filming the originals and Gorden will be remembered with […]

2016 Allo Allo

‘Listen very carefully, I shall say this only once….’  The Bovey Tracey Players are delighted to present the popular wartime comedy ‘Allo ‘Allo, by Jeremy Lloyd and David Croft.  This uproarious comedy is based on the hugely successful British television series, and has a special place in British Comedy history. It relates the adventures of […]

2016 Departure

Stranded in an airport lounge during the inevitable delay of a holiday flight to Spain, Rosemary – “I’m a one-parent family, you see” – and her carbon-copy, not-very-bright daughter, Mandy, draw the reluctant Dennis and Shelia Tippit into a conversation. Sheila has suggested a holiday to try to right her ailing marriage; Rosemary is looking […]

Review: The Cemetery Club

A poignant and heart-warming comedy. The Bovey Tracey Players presented ”The Cemetery Club” By Ivan Menchell at Bovey Tracey Town Hall 27″‘ – 30″‘ May. Coming after the wacky and anarchic ”Sherlock Holmes and the Giant Gnomes”, the Players Spring production is by contrast a gentle and thoughtful observation on the nature of bereavement, grief and the difficulty […]

Crutons Win……. Again!

Crutons Win……. Again! Our annual quiz was won yet again by the Crutons – well done to them. There were 16 number  teams taking part this year and a good time was had by all with chips at half time, as per tradition. This event raised over £200 for our chosen charity, which this year […]

2015 Sherlock Holmes and the Giant Gnomes

A spectacular play written by a local ‘young’ lad called Bim.  This original bit of script writing had them falling about in the aisles. This funny and original play had all the usual characters including Sherlock and Dr Watson, the evil Moriarty, Mrs Hudson and some more extravagant characters such as Hugh Jarce, Thirsty Kirsty […]

2013 It Runs in the Family

Photos courtesy of Bim Photography Set in the doctor’s common room of a London Hospital, Dr David Morton is rehearsing his speech for the prestigious Ponsonby Lecture, which could lead to his knighthood, when in bursts an old flame, hotly pursued by her (their?) daughter, who is hotly pursued by the police. Additional photos by […]

2013 Little Voice

“John and I have just come back from The Bovey Players production of Little Voice.  There is a 14 year old girl, Orla Harper, playing LV, and she is stunningly brilliant. She has the most amazing voice, and I really think NCS should go to see her!! I had shivers going down my spine, and […]

Quiz Night Results

The quiz was set by the Croutons, last years winners, which was very enjoyable and the questions fair.  Quiz was won by Phil Page’s team who ‘s prize is to set the quiz for next year. We raised £220 on the night from entrants fee and the raffle. This years charity is the Dartmoor Search […]

Radio Days

The Players production of ‘Radio Days! played to a capacity audience on May 19th at The Dolphin Hotel. The audience was able to enjoy ‘Dick Barton – Special Agent’, with some very misogynist comments from Dick himself and the delights of ‘Julian and Sandy’ from ‘Round the Horne’ An evening about 1950’s radio couldn’t pass […]

2011 Fahrenheit & Celsius

The recent play performed by the Bovey Tracey Players,”Fahrenheit and Celsius” by James Gillingham, is very topical and also has a local connection. The author grew up locally and is also the son of Ann, chairman of the Players and Nigel who has directed the production. No doubt the issues and frictions encountered by local […]

2010 The Memory of Water

Shelagh Stephenson’s 1996 play The Memory of Water explores the fractured relationships between three sisters on the eve of their mother’s funeral. David Wilson’s production with the Bovey Tracey Players gave the good-sized audience plenty to enjoy with moments of both excellent comedy and plausible and affecting pathos. Jenny Connelly played Mary the eldest of […]

2009 The Price To Pay

David Wilson directed our spring production, a thriller called “The price to pay”. This play was entered into the South Devon Drama Federation Festival and the wash-up evening was a great success with a very high standard from all entries. The Players recieved two nominations for best supporting actor – James Harper and Darren Parr, […]

2008 Blue Remembered Hills

The Players’ Autumn production for 2008 was ‘Blue Remembered Hills’ by Dennis Potter, presented in the Town Hall at the end of October. Set in the Westcountry in the Summer of 1943, it is the story of seven children – convincingly played by adults! Juliet’s creative direction allowed the audience to immerse themselves in the […]

2008 Outside Edge

We have Nigel Gillingham to thank for the Spring production. Due to unforeseen circumstances we could not put on Farenheit and Celsius as originally planned so Nigel bravely stepped in and offered to direct Outside Edge by Richard Harris, and what a success it was! A real ‘bums on seats’ comedy; Outside Edge attracted an […]

2007 Bouncers

Bouncers was our Autumn production for 2007 and our entry into the SDDF festival. All four actors received nominations for best supporting actor, Mark Godwin, David Cartwright, Michael Geldard and the eventual winner, Sean Arberry. Well done to all and of course to the Director, Juliet harper.