Month: June 2013

2013 Little Voice

“John and I have just come back from The Bovey Players production of Little Voice.  There is a 14 year old girl, Orla Harper, playing LV, and she is stunningly brilliant. She has the most amazing voice, and I really think NCS should go to see her!! I had shivers going down my spine, and had tears at the end, so a show for everything and everyone! It is on tomorrow, Friday and Saturday, and I do urge people to go and see it. I think she will be the talk of the town. The rest of the cast are very good too!” Jane Midgley. Little Voice was probably one of our best plays for a while and a huge success. The above email was circulated by Jane and summed up what most other members of the audience thought. Juliet directed a small but talented cast and what a voice Orla has. We have a star in our midst! Bernie and his crew did an amazing job with the set and special effects as always. It certainly was electric!