Year: 2013

2013 It Runs in the Family

Photos courtesy of Bim Photography Set in the doctor’s common room of a London Hospital, Dr David Morton is rehearsing his speech for the prestigious Ponsonby Lecture, which could lead to his knighthood, when in bursts an old flame, hotly pursued by her (their?) daughter, who is hotly pursued by the police. Additional photos by Nigel Gillingham

2013 Little Voice

“John and I have just come back from The Bovey Players production of Little Voice.  There is a 14 year old girl, Orla Harper, playing LV, and she is stunningly brilliant. She has the most amazing voice, and I really think NCS should go to see her!! I had shivers going down my spine, and had tears at the end, so a show for everything and everyone! It is on tomorrow, Friday and Saturday, and I do urge people to go and see it. I think she will be the talk of the town. The rest of the cast are very good too!” Jane Midgley. Little Voice was probably one of our best plays for a while and a huge success. The above email was circulated by Jane and summed up what most other members of the audience thought. Juliet directed a small but talented cast and what a voice Orla has. We have a star in our midst! Bernie and his crew did an amazing job with the set and special effects as always. It certainly was electric!

Quiz Night Results

The quiz was set by the Croutons, last years winners, which was very enjoyable and the questions fair.  Quiz was won by Phil Page’s team who ‘s prize is to set the quiz for next year. We raised £220 on the night from entrants fee and the raffle. This years charity is the Dartmoor Search and Rescue Team – Ashburton