Day: 16 July 2011

1998 Dracular and the Magic Lamp

Surely the best Panto and Panto villain ever, well I would say that wouldn’t I. Although, this was a most excellent show and it’s not often you see Carol Vodaphone, Bob Monkeyhouse, Under Were Wolf, Batman, Robin and Dracula on the same billing. Needless to say it was another Bim production.

1996 Robinson Crusoe

This was billed as a traditional family Pantomime, written by Bill Smale and directed by Anne Broom. I have no pictures for this show and although my name is in the cast list I have no memories of it. So if your memory is better than mine or you have some photos then please get […]

1990 Fatman and Blobbin

Fatman and Blobbin (And the Exploding Custard Pie machine).Ticket holders were turned away at the door according to the newspaper cutting, not good PR and not good for the customers as they missed another cracking Pantomime by Bim. James Mann played James Mann, a part he wrestled with but finally came up with a passable […]

1981 Cinderella

Another Patsy Powlesland pantomime and this time with a price reduction to 60p, and still with a cup of tea. Using a back drop of the shops of Bovey Tracey this show had a very local feel to it. This was a local show for local people, (and their friends).  

1980 Robin Hood

The Players first ever Pantomime written by Patsy Powlesland. This was great fun to be in, if only for the fact we all got to say, “oh no he isn’t” for the first time on stage, and dress up as merry men. I played Dicken, the character in the white hat (which was in fact […]

1985 Bethlehem

A copy of the programme for the 1985 production of ‘Bethlehem’.  In addition there are two photos.  If you have any additional material relating to this production (that you would be willing to share), please contact our archivist David Cartwright.

1975 Bethlehem

Some Photos of the 1975 production ‘Bethlehem’. There is also a copy of the original programme and a newspaper clipping. If you have any additional material relating to this production that you are willing to share – please contact David Cartwright(our archivist).