Day: 30 May 2022


Thanks to all those who attended our recent AGM. Lots of good discussion and ideas.  The committee have met since and have two exciting updates for you. New Membership Offer The Annual Membership which runs from 1st February to 31st January each year will remain at the current level of £15 per adult per year and will include the following extras: And if that isn’t tempting enough, apply before 31st July and you will get 18 months for the price of 12 ie your membership will run to 31st January 2024! Your membership fee is important as it enables us to insure our belongings and provide cover for our productions. So, if you are involved in a production whether on stage or off stage we will need you to be a paid up member.  For those who have already paid your membership, thank you and the new deal will apply to you too! If you need our bank details to renew or take up your membership please click Contact us above and we will provide the details Production News We have the Dolphin booked for the week beginning 14th November for our Autumn production. Katy Bringloe has offered to direct and has some ideas of plays she would like to do. We are planning a few play readings over the next few weeks starting Thursday 9th June, 7.30pm at Bovey Paradiso when we hope to read extracts from ‘The Marquise’ by Noel Coward.  Everyone is welcome, whether you are interested in being involved or not. Watch this space for further dates.Look forward to seeing you there. Nigel GillinghamChairman.