Humble Boy Review

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The Players recently presented the play ‘Humble Boy’ by Charlotte Jones at the Dolphin Hotel, Bovey Tracey.

Felix Humble (Will Meadows), a theoretical physicist, comes home to his family home in the Cotswolds to attend his father’s funeral. The story does not get off to good start as he fails to turn up at the funeral to give an eulogy for his father, which does not impress his rather domineering mother Flora (Jenny Connelly). She has been having an affair for years with George (Mark Godwin), the owner of a local coach company, who is also the father of Rosie (Katy Bringloe) with whom Felix had an affair seven years ago and produced a child. This awkward situation is overseen by Flora’s rather put upon friend Mercy (Rachel Albon) and surprisingly Jim the gardener (Nigel Gillingham), who is an enthusiastic beekeeper.

The play is described as a gentle comedy about broken vows, failed hopes and the joys of beekeeping.

This was the first time the Players had benefited from the skills and knowledge of a professional director. Louisa Wilde is a local theatre director and singing teacher and was able to bring these skills to both the Players and the production – for which The Players are extremely grateful.

Louisa was a great support to Will Meadows in his first major role with the Players, especially as he had such an enormous part to learn! Will was supported by a strong cast with fine performances all round, all of whom  benefited from Louisa’s guidance and experience. Fortunately, there was very little for prompt Margaret Wilson to do and professional levels of lighting were provided by Alan Pewsey and Sam Bovey, with Kenneth Swan providing his usual high standards in sound. Costumes were provided and overseen by Chris Towle.

There many twists and turns to the story: comedy, pathos and even a few tears. If you want to know the outcome, you will have to read the script but it will be worth the effort!

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