The Players’ Autumn production for 2008 was ‘Blue Remembered Hills’ by Dennis Potter, presented in the Town Hall at the end of October. Set in the Westcountry in the Summer of 1943, it is the story of seven children – convincingly played by adults! Juliet’s creative direction allowed the audience to immerse themselves in the play and forget that they were not actually watching seven year olds upon the stage! It made for uncomfortable watching at times as the different characters of the children were so believable and consistently played that we were often able to empathise with them. The actors threw themselves into the role, quite literally in some cases, and how some of them did not get hurt is amazing! Using real children at the start and close of the play was a powerful tool which added to the poignancy of the ending with such effectiveness that the audience was mesmerised and for some time just sat in their seats, in quiet reflection. Congratulations must go to Juliet for another stunning production and to her talented cast.

2008 Blue Remembered Hills
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